Артикул: 1812
Индикатор критического разряда аккумулятора со звуковым и световым оповещением
Использование этого модуля позволит быть в курсе о наступлении полного или частичного момента разряда аккумулятора. Это позволит не допустить глубокой разрядки и продлит срок службы аккумулятора.
Module has 2 color LED lights(8 lights in total), when the voltage is in different range, it will buzzer with different LED light
Good for 2 Cells 7.4V,3 Cells 11.1V and 4 Cells 14.8V Lipo Batteries.
This Lipo Battery Alarm can measure lipo from 7.4v to 14.8v (2s to 4s), it will sound up to 95dB if your lipo cell voltage drop to 3.3v
Quickly test for your lipo before flight, and it can use as inflight alarm if you not sure the maximum flight time
Required the balance charger plug in the battery
Each LiPo has a Minimun discharged voltage of 3.0V before damage occurs.
Each LiPo cell = 3.7V (nominal) no matter how many cells are in parallell.
Each LiPo cell has a Minimun charged voltage of 4.25V before damage, and Risk Of Fire occurs
Размеры: 40x23мм |